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Minggu, 20 Maret 2011


The impact of global warming begin to be felt by the Indonesian. This is evidenced from various climate change and natural disasters. The impacts of global warming for example is the change in the dry season. If these change occur, Indonesia will have a longer dry season,  so it causing crop failures, water crisis and forest fires.
Another impact is the loss of various species flora and fauna which is owned by Indonesia. If this happens, Indonesia will lose 90 percents of death reefs in Kepulauan Seribu due to rising sea temperature.
Indonesia which is located at the equator is the first country that will feel the impact of climate change. That impact is felt in 1998 and it became the year with the hottest tempetarures and increasing in subsequent years. Global warming is caused by human activities that produce greenhouse gas emisions from industry, motor vehicles, power plants and even excessive use  of electricity.
Climate change that is caused by global warming has become a major issue in the world. If the polar north ice and south polar ice melts, it will cause the extinction habitat. So, it is important to conduct electrical energy saving, reduce use of private vahicles, stop the logging and forest burning, and etc. That matter that we can do.

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